Efficient generalized spherical CNNs


Many problems across computer vision and the natural sciences require the analysis of spherical data, for which representations may be learned efficiently by encoding equivariance to rotational symmetries. We present a generalized spherical CNN framework that encompasses various existing approaches and allows them to be leveraged alongside each other. The only existing non-linear spherical CNN layer that is strictly equivariant has complexity $\mathcal{O}(C^2L^5)$, where $C$ is a measure of representational capacity and $L$ the spherical harmonic bandlimit. Such a high computational cost often prohibits the use of strictly equivariant spherical CNNs. We develop two new strictly equivariant layers with reduced complexity $\mathcal{O}(CL^4)$ and $\mathcal{O}(CL^3 \log L)$, making larger, more expressive models computationally feasible. Moreover, we adopt efficient sampling theory to achieve further computational savings. We show that these developments allow the construction of more expressive hybrid models that achieve state-of-the-art accuracy and parameter efficiency on spherical benchmark problems.

Matthew Price
Matthew Price
Research Fellow in Artificial Intelligence and Imaging

My research considers information; where it is, how it can be extracted, and how we can use it.
